Monday, March 28, 2011


I haven't seen Matt and Lisa since they went back to Colorado after Christmas. So much has happened in the short span of time. Both of our families have really been through a lot. This weekend will be a special time for both the Pratt Family and the Taylor Family. Lisa's brother, JT, whom we have all been praying for was home for the weekend, from MD Anderson.
We were all looking forward to their visit.

They arrived today around noon. I was so glad to see Matt walking without crutches!My daughter-in-love, Lisa

Lisa, Mom and Matt
I told Matt I got my "high and tight" haircut, so we could look like twinkies:)
It was a really beautiful day out! Love spending some time on the bench!
And was time to rest:)

I would like to ask everyone that reads this blog to take time to say a special prayer for Lisa's brother, JT. We are KEEPING THE FAITH with JT for a miracle in his body. We love you JT!

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